General history
по Babi, Carol, Marcela, Lívia, Gui
10 питања
1. The Paleolithic period can also be called...
a Stone Age
b Polished Stone Age
c Chipped stone age
d Scraped Stone Age
2. What is the main source of study of positivists?
a Oral source
b Iconographic font
c Material source
d Written source
3. In the Neolithic period the people were
a Sedentary
b Nomads and sedentary
c Nomads
d None of the alternatives
4. The term prehistory is of origin...
a Marxist
b Positivist
c From Annales school
d None of the alternatives
5. Cave paintings are from the period ...
a Paleolithic
b Contemporary age
c Age of Metals
d Neolithic
6. When positivist historiography came about?
a French Revolution
b Industrial Revolution
c Enlightenment
d Russian revolution
7. Who was Fernand Braudel?
a Marxist philosopher
b Famous exponent of the School of Annales
c Creator of positivism
d Philosopher contrary to the philosophy of the School of the Annales
8. Does the State defend the interests of which class?
a Ruling class
b Bourgeoisie
c Working class
d All classes
9. The Annales school can be considered as:
a New history or history of the winners
b Winners history
c Cultural history or new history
d Official history or cultural history
10. In the age of chipped stone the climate was ...
a Mild
b Cold
c Hot
d None of the alternatives