Egypt and multi or culture?
Fun for the end of the semester
по quizer
15 питања
1. Who wrote weekly reading?
a Gay Robins
b Christina Riggs
c Sally-Ann Ashton
d All three
2. When did the Ptolemees take over the ancient Egypt?
a The beginning of the Third Intermediary Period
b Old Kingdom
c 328 before the common era
d Aaaahhh... I knew that...
3. How many times Iranians invaded Egypt?
a Never
b Once
c Twice
d Who are Iranians?
4. Why would Ptolemees present themselves as Egyptians?
a Egypt was the centre of fashion at the time. It was only logical...
b Greeks were obsessed with Egypt
c To legitimise their right to power
d Nubia (no idea why is this here)
5. The best preserved temples from the Ptolemaic period are in?
a Dendera
b Thebes
c Dendera, Edfu and Pilae
d I prefer Mayan archaeology...
6. Why did the temples built by the foreign rulers remain deeply Egyptian in style?
a The temple architecture descends directly from the period between theNew Kingdom and the Late Period
b Temples continued to be regarded as models of the cosmos at the time of creation, houses for the deity and ritual spaces.
c Temples continued to be regarded as models of the cosmos at the time of creation
d All three are correct answers.
7. Where is this temple?
a Karnak
b Saite
c Alexandria
d Philae
8. Did the Greeks enrich egyptian architecture with their own motifs?
a Yes
b No. But they did introduce visual representations in paintings and statues.
c I don't know
d As I said earlier... Mayans...
9. How many rulers of Ptolemaic dynasty you know of?
a Ten
b Fifteen
c Sixteen
d I do not know.
10. This is the statue of a man with the Horus stela. Do you know the period?
a Fifteenth dynasty
b Old Kingdom
c Roman Period
d Ptolemaic period
11. The architecture did not change much, how about the visual arts?
a The greatest influence came from Assiryans
b In the second century BC, the Egyptian artists adopt very obvious foreign features, faithfully reproducing the Greek portrait types
c Kushites presented themselves as blonde Vikings
d The Mayans... : )
12. Who claimed to have saved the Egypt from the Persians?
a Sesostris III
b Cleopatra
c Alexander the Great
d Nectanebo II
13. Who is this statue representing?
a Hatshepsuth
b Tiye
c Arsinoe II
d 2 and 3
14. How did Cleopatra die?
a Suicide
b Romans did the job
c Cleo and Marco killed each other in a tragic romantic ending of a love story that was quite upsetting to the already dead Cesar
d Ran away and died incognito in a remote temple.
15. Was the end of Ptolemy dynasty the end of Egypt as we know it?
a Probably
b No
c Yes
d All of the above